Monthly Archives: September 2020



I’ve been suicidal. But God!
I’ve been a fornicator. But God!
I’ve been depressed. But God!
I’ve been a struggling single mother. But God!
I’ve shacked up. But God!
I’ve been divorced. But God!
I’ve been widowed. But God!
I’ve been sick. But God!
I’ve been raped. But God!
I’ve been unable to walk without assistance. But God!
I’ve been lonely. But God!
I’ve had low self-esteem. But God!
I’ve been insecure. But God!
I’ve been a victim of domestic violence. But God!
I’ve been on welfare. But God!
I’ve worried. But God!
I’ve been fearful. But God!
I’ve grieved the loss of a parent. But God!
I’ve grieved the loss of a sibling. But God!
I’ve cried myself to sleep at night. But God!
I’ve pretended to be ok when I wasn’t. But God!
I’ve struggled to keep going. But God!
I’ve wanted to quit and give up! But God!

But God kept me!
God sustained me!
God healed me!
God delivered me!
God saved me!
God strengthened me!
God restored me!
God graced me!
God held me!
God carried me!
God filled me!
God purposed me!
… Because He loved me.
And He’ll do the same for you.

I don’t look like what I’ve been thru!
You wouldn’t have known if I didn’t tell you.

Bless the Lord!

Hold on to God just a little while longer. Trust that if He’s not bringing you out, He’s in there with you. And if He chooses not to change your circumstances, He’s purposing to change you.

I learned that I brought a lot of the trauma and drama into my life, because I was outside of God’s will. God showed me the “me” in my own mess. I had to do a lot of repenting and changing my ways. I don’t think the way I used to. I don’t even have the same desires I used too. Not only did God create in me a new heart, but He gave me a new appetite. It was the absolute best decision I ever made in my life.

Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Tressa Jo

Daily Bread

Whenever life challenges you, one of the toughest things to do is keep your mind in a right, productive place. Our thoughts can fuel faith or fear. And whenever we find ourselves in the waiting rooms of life, not knowing what will happen next, the devil can wreck havoc on our thoughts and emotions.

When you’re trying to think positive and remain hopeful about the future, the devil will constantly temp you to think the worst. He knows that fear and anxiety will keep you separated from your faith. So there’s a real battle going on, but it’s not really about what’s happening around you–your circumstances. The battle is what’s going on inside of you.

The devil wants you to consume yourself with thoughts of the “what it’s”. What if this happens? What if that happens? What if I can’t…? What if they don’t…?

We must understand that once the enemy attacks your circumstances and life, he’s going to attack your mind. Many times, he’ll attack your mind first. He knows that your mind is the place of your faith, your hope and your true power.

This is why Philippians 4:8 tells us what to think on during these times. It’s not easy! But when we discipline our thoughts and emotions, and think on those things, God will bring us into a place of peace that surpasses all understanding.

In my own battle, one faith fight method I’m practicing is walking in the hope of my daily bread. This means that I’m fighting not to consume myself with tomorrow’s issues, but I’m choosing to focus on and be thankful in today’s blessings and provisions.

In Matthew 6:11, Jesus teaches us how we should pray. He says “Give us today our daily bread.” Jesus is reminding us to live in the day, because tomorrow isn’t promised to us. Why allow yourself to be robbed of today’s joy and peace, consumed with a tomorrow you may never see? Be blessed in your today!

Jesus is also helping us focus on the “right now”. Right now God is providing for me. Right now I’m still well. Right now I’m cared for. Right now we have what we need. Right now they’re ok. Right now….

Give us today our daily bread. Oh what peace we often forfeit today when we consume ourselves with tomorrow.

Thank You Lord, for our daily bread.

*Tressa Jo

God of the Season

Job’s wife spoke foolishly when she provoked him to abandon hope and faith in God because he was experiencing such hardships. (Covid, racial injustice, sickness, death, financial struggle, loss of loved ones, etc.) Job said that God gives and God takes away. Blessed be the name of God! He’s still worthy.

Just because your circumstances changed doesn’t mean that God has changed. 2020 is only doing what God is allowing it to do. 2020 is not an enemy for a child of God. As ugly as it’s been, it still benefits God’s chosen. ALL things are working for our good. Yep. Even when it hurts. God uses it for our growth and His glory. And if God chooses not to change our circumstances, trust that He’ll change us.

Remember, God doesn’t measure time or seasons the way we do. We don’t know when the new season will come. Neither do we know what the new season will hold. But we know that God holds the season. Trust Him through it and on your way to it. He’s still worthy to be praised!

But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Job 2:10 NASB

*Tressa Jo