Monthly Archives: April 2020

Honorable, but Out of Order

For the single person, desiring marriage is honorable. However, it can also be out of order. Often times, the single person will seek to perfect themselves to qualify for the choicest prospective spouse. They present the best them in order to attract the best. They learn to talk right and act right. They perfect domestic or provisional abilities. They say, I’m preparing myself for the man/woman God has for me.

All the while, failing to remember the fact that God created you for His good pleasure; not your own or a spouse’s pleasure. God tells us in His word that He is a jealous God.

How do you think God feels when we put our best foot forward to be the best for another, but not Him? What do you think God thinks when we have more urgency to acquire and maintain romantic relationships, than we have to maintain a pleasing relationship with Him?

Have you ever had love and lost it? Do you remember how you felt? Did you cry? Did you lose any sleep? Were your minds consumed with thoughts of your lost love? God wants to ask you a few questions. Be honest in your assessment.

Do you have an out of order kind of affection or desire for romance?

God asks….
Have you ever cried when You didn’t hear from Me?
Have you ever lost your appetite when you felt disconnected from Me?
Have you ever lost any sleep waiting on Me to show you some love and affection?
Have you ever manipulated your schedule to make sure you were able to spend time with Me?
Am I really your #1 priority?

*Tressa Jo