Monthly Archives: October 2018

Real Love


I had a talk with the Lord. I told Him that I remembered when I resisted His calling, because I had a problem with the deliverer of His message. I told Him that I remembered how, after deciding to embrace Him, how I played Russian Roulette with my soul knowing what pleased Him, but still walking in my flesh–in disobedience. I told Him that I was thankful to be able to call on Him as my God; not because I deserved to be able to. But because He allows me to, in spite of me not deserving it. I thanked Jesus for His obedience to God, that led Him to a cross that had my name on it. It was the will of God that He obeyed, in spite of the anguish He would suffer on my behalf. He loved me then. And He loves me still. Then I thanked Him for not allowing anything to separate me from the love He has for me. I thanked Him for His mercy when I separated myself from Him by the sin in my life. I thanked Him for how that love and mercy granted me an opportunity to repent and return back to Him. I guess I’m just saying, it’s so good to be a born again child of God. I once heard that if you’re born once, you’ll have to die twice. But if you’re born twice, you’ll only have to die once.

Coming into this relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, I learned what and why He did what He did. I also recognized my role in what happened to Jesus. I needed to understand that I was responsible for His crucifixion. I was guilty! I did it! He allowed Himself to be crucified to pay the sin debt that I owed. But the thing that’s so mind-blowing is that even though I was guilty for His crucifixion, He still turned around and made it possible for me to become part of Him. He made it possible that I wouldn’t be condemned for crucifying Him. Now that’s some real love right there!

*Tressa Jo

Are you in His proximity or in His presence?


Some of us are trying to enter into the peace of God by being in the proximity of God. You’re around Him, but still not in Him; still not close enough. But peace is found in the presence of God; not just in the proximity of God. The enemy will fool you into believing that just because you’re reaching for God in your prayers, in your church attendance or in your noble deeds, that you actually have God. The enemy also recognizes that your ignorance, your faithlessness, your carnality and your disobedience keeps you from entering into God’s presence. Even the enemy knows that Light has no fellowship with darkness. Get closer to Him. But understand that God determines how we get closer to Him; not you or the world. So if you want a God product you have to be willing to submit to a God process.

*Tressa Jo